Homeschooling high school is “the road less traveled” by many homeschool families. Yet it is during those critical years that our teens are faced with real-life choices that will influence their futures. While not everyone will attend college, every one of our kiddos will head off into adulthood and be on their own someday. However, parents don’t need to lie awake at night in fear and worry! An emphasis on character-training, leadership preparation, and developing discernment abilities will help your teen develop their own lifestyle of learning.
I believe that God has blessed us with a calling to homeschool, and equips us to accomplish what He has called us to do.
Our mission at BreakthroughHomeschooling is to encourage and empower homeschool moms as they fulfill their mission of homeschooling, preparing their teens for a fulfilling and significant future of service using their unique skills and talents.
Prayers for a Lifestyle
Prayers for a Lifestyle of Learning is a series of devotionals perfect for the busy homeschooling mom, covering five aspects of home and school life. Also included is access to a free journal that you can print out and use as you work through the book, developing a habit of turning to the Word with every home- and school-related issue!
Grab Your Copy Now:
The Blessing Book
This book walks you through preparing for and celebrating a Christian Blessing Service. Welcome your teens to the world of young adulthood, remind them of the support and guidance available through loving friends and family, and encourage them to grow into the plan God has created for them before the beginning of time (Eph 2:10)!
Grab Your Copy Now:
Empty Homeschool Nest Blueprint
At some point, every homeschooling mom finishes homeschooling! But before we get to that point we need to employ - for our own benefit - the same creative approach to life that we used during our homeschool years. This course will help you dig in and discover the next steps to take in your journey. Get excited...get ready...and let’s get started!
Homeschooling moms need support on the journey because it’s too easy to feel like we’re walking it alone. BreakthroughHomeschooling equips and empowers homeschooling moms as they prepare their teens for college, career, and beyond by providing tools, strategies, and encouragement. We also have courses and short-term consulting available to keep your skills sharp and provide you with the continuing resources you need to do your best. Subscribe to the site to receive an instant download of useful materials and let's get started!